Baby Archives - Raising Them Naturally Simply Healthy Thu, 22 Apr 2021 16:36:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Baby Archives - Raising Them Naturally 32 32 How to Burp a Baby + 5 Best Positions To Get Them Burping! Fri, 16 Apr 2021 13:20:54 +0000 Learning how to pick up and burp a baby with a full belly of milk isn’t always easy! They’re so dainty in the beginning and my confidence as a new mother wasn’t fully developed yet. Plus, is burping even necessary? I mean, we don’t need to be patted on the back to burp after every […]

The post How to Burp a Baby + 5 Best Positions To Get Them Burping! appeared first on Raising Them Naturally.

Learning how to pick up and burp a baby with a full belly of milk isn’t always easy! They’re so dainty in the beginning and my confidence as a new mother wasn’t fully developed yet.

Plus, is burping even necessary? I mean, we don’t need to be patted on the back to burp after every meal!

If you’re like me when I first started out a few months ago, then read on to learn how to confidently burp your baby!

When To Burp Your Baby

This one is pretty straightforward. Typically you should burp your baby during and after every meal of yummy breastmilk or formula. 

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends burping baby when mama switches breasts while nursing. If bottle-feeding then pause every 2-3 oz. to get a quick burp. 

For me, I’ve been doing a lot of bottle feeding since I’m unable to produce enough breast milk. I’ve found that pulling the bottle away after every ounce or so is helpful for our son to slow down and catch his breath. If not, he’ll quickly gulp down four ounces of formula and then be left trying to get a huge burp out!! 

Also, if you find baby repeatedly pulling away from the breast, this could also be a sign that they need to take a breather and get a burp out.

Lastly, if you see your baby is colicky or spits up often- these could also be signs that it’s time for a burp!

Why Does Baby Need To Burp?

Why do babies need to burp anyway?

I mean, we adults don’t need to burp after every meal!

Well, it turns out that many babies swallow air as they feed. Now, it’s been said that breastfed babies don’t swallow as much air as bottle-fed babies. But it seems like this is more opinion than based on exact science. 

The trapped air in the stomach takes up space and makes baby feel uncomfortable. This is what colic is. The thing that many parents fear with a newborn and is often the source of the uncontrollable crying!

Why doesn’t this happen in adults as often as babies?

It’s because baby’s upper esophageal sphincter is underdeveloped. Which doesn’t allow them to burp by themselves as easily.

5 Best Burping Positions to Try 

Now there are countless ways to burp a baby. If you search the internet you’ll find all sorts of different positions with just as many names to describe them!

Below I’ve come up with a list of 5 that my husband and I have found to be the most helpful for us. Try these 5 first, and if they don’t work for you- then search for some more!

1. Over the shoulder 

Over The Shoulder Burping

This one is usually my go-to. It’s the most comfortable for me and so far it’s worked very well! 

Pick up baby and place them so their tummy is up against your shoulder. You want baby’s head above your shoulder so you don’t smother them while giving them the ability to move their head feely. 

Gently pat on their back, or rub in circles. Whichever seems to work best.

Another tip is to hold them by their bottom and let their legs hang freely. If you hold them by the legs, it’ll cause them to bend and bunch up. This can restrict airflow and make it more difficult for them to burp!

2. Sitting upright on leg

Sitting Upright On Leg Burping

This method works well for babies that are a little older who have more muscle development. Start by supporting baby’s head and then placing them sitting upright on your leg. 

As they’re sitting, be sure to keep their back straight. This keeps their windpipe clear so they have an easier time burping!

The last step is to bounce your leg slightly. The idea is that the bouncing of the leg mimics a similar movement as patting them on the back. This movement will help them produce a burp.

3. Over the arm

Over The Arm Burping

This one works best for smaller-sized babies! Take one arm and bend it at about a 90-degree angle with your palm facing upward. Place baby on your arm with their tummy facing towards the floor. 

Holding your hand flat, rest their head on your hand. Pat or gently rub baby’s back to help them burp. 

4. Back to stomach

Back To Stomach Burping

Sitting in a chair or rocker, place baby in your lap with their back to your stomach. Ensure that baby’s back is straight allowing for the windpipe to be clear. 

Once baby is in position, begin bouncing lightly. This is a very similar motion as #1.

5. Bicycling

Bicycle Burping Pose

I use this more for pooping and constipation, but it can also work for trying to get a burp out too! 

Place baby on their backs and move their legs in and out, like in a bicycle pedal motion. This gets their torso moving, and with their back straight on the floor it opens up the windpipe to allow that burp to escape more easily!

What to do when Baby just won’t burp?

If you can’t get baby to burp using one of the 5 methods above don’t stress out over it! Here are some additional things you can try….

Try wearing baby

Use a baby wrap to keep baby secure to your chest while you walk around the house. The movement from walking will help baby produce a burp. 

Be sure that baby stays in an upright position and keeps their back as straight as possible. 

Infant massage

Infant Massage Burping Position

Infant massage is one of my favorite things to do! I mentioned earlier that I love using it for constipation– but it works well for trying to get a burp out too.

Lay baby on their back and rub their belly in a clockwise direction. Be sure to not press very hard- that can make it uncomfortable for them.

Don’t do anything!

Sometimes no matter how hard we try our babies just won’t burp. This is totally ok- there’s no need to get concerned. Babies don’t always need to burp. Some suck in less air than others. 

If you’ve tried for 5-10 minutes and still can’t get a burp- just move on mama!

When To Stop Burping Your Baby

The general consensus is that parents can stop burping their babies anytime between 4-9 months. At this point baby’s once underdeveloped esophageal sphincter is now mature enough to be able to function and produce a burp on it’s own.

However, like most things when it comes to babies- there isn’t an exact time or hard rule when something should occur. When to stop burping your baby is no different. 

Some other things to look out for are when babies can sit up on their own and handle solid foods. These are both good indicators that you no longer need to assist baby with burping.  

Not Every Baby Needs To be burped

Mama, please do not stress if your baby did not produce a burp after their last feeding. Not all babies need to be burped!

As mentioned earlier, some babies suck in less air when feeding than others. This would mean that they don’t need to be burped, or at least not as often as other babies. 

According to this study, burping may not even be effective or necessary! 

Not even the “experts” are in agreement on the exact science of burping in babies. Imagine that! 

At the end of the day, the most important thing is to use your intuition as a mother! 

Watch and observe your baby. If they seem uncomfortable and colicky after feeding, try to burp them. If you’ve tried and can’t get them to produce a burp- that’s ok! Don’t get hung up on it and move on. 

Babies are resilient little beings, in the end, they’ll be just fine 🙂 

What burping positions work best for you? Share with us what your favorite burping position is!

The post How to Burp a Baby + 5 Best Positions To Get Them Burping! appeared first on Raising Them Naturally.

5 Benefits of Chiropractic For Babies + And How It’s Worked For Our Child! Wed, 07 Apr 2021 18:15:38 +0000 The post 5 Benefits of Chiropractic For Babies + And How It’s Worked For Our Child! appeared first on Raising Them Naturally.

Hi there mama! I’m sitting here after just getting back from taking our 3-month-old son to the chiropractor. So I thought I’d write a post on it! Chiropractic for babies is something that seems to be hotly debated if you start doing some research online. 

However, as natural-minded mama’s, Chiropractic is something that shouldn’t be overlooked. It’s worked very well for me and our 3 month old son. And it’s something that I think you may want to consider.

In this post, I’ll share with you 5 benefits of Chiropractic for babies and why I think it’s so great!

5 Benefits of Chiropractic for Babies

1. Reduces Constipation

This is a big one, and it’s the reason we first started bringing our son to the Chiropractor at about 6 weeks old. 

We’ve all heard stories about some babies not pooping for many days or even weeks…

That’s crazy! 

Like adults, babies need to poop often. If not, that toxic poop stays in their system which can cause other issues down the road. 

When baby’s spine is out of alignment, this has a negative effect on the nervous system which can play a role in constipation.  Especially the nerves close to the digestion system. 

By getting baby adjusted, the spine is realigned, the nerve endings are able to function properly, and the digestive system can function properly.

Our baby hadn’t pooped in about 4 days. After getting him adjusted, he filled his diaper on the way home!

Chiropractic is one way to help constipation. If your baby is struggling with constipation you may want to read my post on “Constipation in Babies- Signs, Causes and 6 Natural Remedies That Work!” I go into detail on several all-natural ways to help get past constipation that actually works! 

2. Correcting Misaligned Vertebra

Birth can be pretty rough on mama- it was for me! But did you know that it can be rough for baby too?

Think about it for a second. Your baby is cramped up in your womb for 9 months. Then during birth, they’re pushed and rotated out of the birth canal. In some instances even pulled out!


Many infants have misaligned vertebrae after birth as a result. With some very gentle Chiropractic care, these misalignments can be harmlessly corrected.

A properly aligned spine is important for baby’s growth and development!  

3. Restore Energy Flow To The Meridian Pathways

The term “Meridian Pathway” may be a new term for many of you. I plan to write a post on this in the future but I wanted to bring it up here as well. But for now, here is an article that does a great job explaining what a meridian is. 

In short, our body has electrical energy flowing through it. This energy flows in parallel with the central nervous system. With the majority of our nervous system within the spine, you can begin to understand the importance of having aligned vertebra.  

When a vertebra is bent out of shape, the meridian that flows through it becomes pinched and the energy is unable to flow freely through it. This in turn causes whatever bodily organ or system that it’s flowing through to no longer receive the amount of energy it needs to function properly.

In short, it won’t function as well as it should.

Chiropractic is extremely helpful in the sense that any misaligned vertebrae will be corrected, thus ensuring the correct amount of energy is flowing throughout the body via the meridian pathways. 

Acupuncture works very much in the same way. Freeing up energy blockages along the meridian pathways to help bodily functions perform at their peak level. 

4. Alleviate Ear Infections 

Ear infections are caused by a buildup of fluid in the Eustachian tube. The Eustachian tube is located just below the inner eat and it’s what connects the ear to the throat. It basically helps prevent pressure buildup within the ear. 

Often times with babies, the Eustachian tube gets clogged up leading to painful pressure and ear infections. 

With some simple manipulation by a chiropractor, the muscles in the ear are able to be relaxed- helping to open up the tubes within the ear and allow for drainage of the trapped fluid. 

5. Can improve Colic

My baby getting Colic was a big fear of mine. I’ve heard plenty of horror stories about other babies enduring it. The constant crying, little sleep, and mama feeling helpless through it all.

Luckily we haven’t experienced colic yet with our own baby- but I know so many mamas who do!

Colic happens often with babies because their gastrointestinal system is either immature or underactive. This is normal because baby is growing! So of course it’s immature. 

Tons of natural mama’s swear chiropractic helped their little one get through colic- despite the “experts” claiming that there is little proof. 

A misaligned spine leads to problems with digestion. And because the gastrointestinal system isn’t fully developed yet- this can lead to a build-up of gas. 

This is exactly why your little babe raises their feet way high up in the air when trying to pass gas or go poop! 

Look out!

Some gentle Chiropractic adjustment is used to realign the spine and stimulate the small intestine to encourage the digestive system to start working more efficiently. 

Does Chiropractic fit in with the Natural Minded Approach?

I think it absolutely does! Will chiropractic solve every issue? No. Will it solve the things I mentioned above every time? No. 

But it does bring quite a few benefits to the table and very little risk. 

Chiropractic is a great option for those who are looking for a drug-free alternative. It’s something that can be done along with other treatments recommended by you pediatrician. 

I’m so glad I got our little guy into the Chiropractor. It helped his constipation, and we haven’t had colic yet! 

What do you think? Is Chiropractic for babies something you’ll consider trying? If you have already tried it- what did you think?


The post 5 Benefits of Chiropractic For Babies + And How It’s Worked For Our Child! appeared first on Raising Them Naturally.

Constipation in Babies- Signs, Causes and 6 Natural Remedies That Work! Tue, 23 Mar 2021 01:41:42 +0000 Constipation. We’ve all had it at one point or another and I think we can all agree- it’s not fun. Seeing your little one trying hard to poop with nothing coming can be hard to watch as a parent! Just recently our 3-month-old son was battling with constipation.  Luckily- we were able to help him […]

The post Constipation in Babies- Signs, Causes and 6 Natural Remedies That Work! appeared first on Raising Them Naturally.

Constipation. We’ve all had it at one point or another and I think we can all agree- it’s not fun.

Seeing your little one trying hard to poop with nothing coming can be hard to watch as a parent!

Just recently our 3-month-old son was battling with constipation. 

Luckily- we were able to help him get through it, and now he’s on track and pooping daily- Yay!


Signs of Constipation In Babies

Knowing what signs to look for when trying to determine if your baby is constipated is important!  

Our son had several of these signs, which led us to the conclusion that he was in fact constipated. 


Infrequent pooping

This one may seem pretty obvious, but trying to determine the frequency of your baby’s poops can sometimes be tricky!

As new parents, we’re always tired- especially if you are living with a newborn. So trying to remember your baby’s pooping schedule can be next to impossible!

Greg and I quickly learned that we needed to keep a schedule of babies bowel movements, among other things. 

I highly recommend you create a baby log of your own- or use our free template below! 

This is a super helpful tool that really helped us in the beginning. 

Remember, just like adults- baby’s pooping schedules are a little different from child to child. 

There isn’t a hard rule here stating how often your baby should be pooping. Generally, it eventually should be at least once a day, but sometimes that isn’t always the case!

Hard belly

This one is an easy one to check for. Gently press on your baby’s tummy, if it feels hard- then it could be a sign they’re constipated or bloated. 

I can tell you from personal experience that this is usually what I check first, as it’s a quick and fairly accurate way to gauge constipation. 

Once your baby goes poop and starts passing gas, you should notice their belly starting to soften up and not feel as hard to the touch. 

Clay like / hard poop

When I first came across this with our son I was really surprised to see it- but afterward, it made total sense why he was so bound up!

Clay-like and hard poop is typically seen with formula-fed babies. This is because formula takes longer, and is more difficult to digest than breastmilk.

Breastmilk will give your baby’s poop a runnier- more seedy consistency. Whereas formula will not. 

If your baby is formula-fed, you may want to consider switching it to another brand. We did this and we noticed results pretty quickly. 

Blood in poop

Blood in poop is always something that you should be on the lookout for. And not just for babies- for you as well!

Bloody poop can indicate different things…

But it’s likely a tear in the anus, which can happen from a large, hard poop. 

If you do end up seeing blood in your baby’s poop- you should consider calling the pediatrician. That way, other more serious complications can be ruled out. 

A long period of straining or crying while pooping

An important thing to remember here is that straining or whimpering while trying to poop can be a normal thing for some babies. 

Remember- all babies are slightly different, so this is where monitoring your baby’s pooping habits over time can really be helpful. 

However, if baby continues to strain, cry or face starts to become red- these could all be signs of constipation. 

I can tell you from my own experience that our son does lift his legs, grunts, and crinkles his forehead when trying to poop. Sometimes his face even turns red. 

The key is to monitor how much effort they’re having to put in to pass a poop! 

Remember mama, no one knows your child better than you. So trust your gut!

Causes of Constipation in Babies

Depending on how old, and what stage of growth your baby is in- there can be several likely causes of constipation.


Exclusively formula-fed

As I mentioned earlier, babies who are exclusively fed formula are more likely to become constipated than those who are breastfed. This is another great benefit of breastfeeding!

Formula is more difficult to digest for baby, as a result, it takes longer to make its way through baby’s digestive system. 

This is also why they seem to sleep harder and longer than those babies who are breastfed! 

If your baby is dealing with constipation and they’re drinking formula- be sure that you’re mixing it properly. 

Not mixing it properly usually means that baby isn’t getting enough fluids, which can lead to constipation.

You could also try switching the formula to another brand. Look for one that has a probiotic in it. Probiotics are important for gut health which relates back to constipation. 

We switched to HiPP and within a day or two, we noticed a difference! HiPP also has probiotics in it so that’s another plus!

Eating Solid Food

If your baby is at the 6 + month mark, then you’re likely starting to introduce some solid foods to them. 


But be mindful, this transition period of solid foods can cause constipation for baby. 

Be sure to look at the types of solid foods you’re giving baby. Focus on high fiber, and low sugar.

Mama’s diet

Even after birth mama’s health and lifestyle choices can play a direct role in their baby’s wellbeing!

If you notice your baby starting to become constipated, start keeping track of the different foods you eat- and start eliminating some of them. 

Look for improvement. If there is none, then try eliminating other foods that you eat daily. 

One of the first you may want to start with is dairy. Dairy is known to cause constipation for both adults and babies! 

Besides dairy, cleaning up your diet is always a good idea. Less sugar, eliminate processed foods. Eat organic whenever possible. 

Remember, what you eat- gets passed onto your baby through your breastmilk!

Not getting enough liquid

This one is a super important one. I cannot overstate the importance water is to your health and the health of your baby. 

Infants get their water through breastmilk or formula. If baby is latching poorly, is fussy or does not seem to be gaining weight- these could all be signs that they’re not getting enough breastmilk or formula.

This can lead to dehydration over time. 

Our bodies are made up of nearly 60% water. Mama, make sure you’re drinking enough! 

You should be drinking half your body weight in fluid ounces per day. This is especially important while breastfeeding, as your body needs more water than normal to produce breastmilk. 

6 Natural Remedies For Constipation In Babies

As natural-minded parents, we’re always looking for alternatives to drugs and medications. Greg and I were happy to discover that there are many things parents can do to help their children with constipation!

1. Massage

Massage is my favorite way to help our little guy pass his poops! For us, massage has worked very well. 

There are two main ways to massage your baby’s tummy to help them poop.

First method- Rub their tummy gently and slowly in a clockwise direction. Be careful not to press down too hard. 

Their tummy will likely be firm to the touch and it may cause them some discomfort. If it does, then try the second method…


Second method- place your fingers on the sides of baby’s tummy. Slowly massage and pull towards the front and downward. This one has worked very well.

The idea behind massaging the tummy and intestines is that it’ll help stimulate those areas and encourage the digesting food and poop to move on through!   

2. Warm Bath

Placing your baby in a warm bath is a great way to help them pass a poop.

The warmth from the water really helps to stimulate the digestive system- which is what your baby needs when constipated and trying to go poop.

Just be prepared for a messy bathtub when it works!

I’ll also pour warm water over baby and massage their tummy as well.

Our little guys LOVES this and immediately starts cooing! So cute 🙂

3. Exercise

Exercise is really important- not just for bone and muscle strength, but for digestion as well!

Our digestive system uses movement as a way to help stimulate it- just like the massage that I mentioned earlier. 

If your baby isn’t crawling yet, placing them on their back and moving their legs in a bicycle kick motion is a great way to simulate physical exercise.

You could also place them on their stomach for some tummy time. However, keep in mind that if their stomach is hard and pushed out- tummy time may not be comfortable for them!

4. Diet changes

Baby’s diet can play a role in constipation as well… so there are a couple of things to keep in mind here

Consider switching up formula

Some baby’s don’t react well to certain formulas. This isn’t uncommon! 

Try switching types or brands. We started out with Earth’s Best, but ended up switching to HiPP. After a day or two we saw significant changes and since switching- there’s been little to no constipation in our son!

HiPP is a European formula that doesn’t contain soy- but contains probiotics! This is super helpful when dealing with constipation.


Breastmilk is easier than formula for baby to digest. So if you’re currently formula feeding your child- try and get some breast milk into them if you’re able. 

Avoid high sugar and processed foods

Sugar and processed foods are not able to be easily absorbed into the body which can cause constipation. So avoid those sugary drinks and snacks, and if it’s processed- stay away!

High Fiber Foods

Just like adults- baby’s need fiber too! If your child is eating solid food- try to give them more foods that have higher fiber content. 

Things like pears, plums, peaches, or prunes- all contain a high amount of fiber and are known to help those who have constipation.

5. Homeopathics

Homeopathics can be very effective at treating acute problems like constipation. 

The following remedies have been known to help with constipation…

  • Alumina
  • Bryonia
  • Calcarea Carb
  • Nux Vomica
  • Sepia
  • Silicea

The trick with Homeopathics is finding the right one. Not all listed above will help your little one with their constipation. 

The correct homeopathic match must be found in order for it to work.

The best way I’ve found to use Homeopathics is to find a good book on the subject. The one I use is Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants. This is a great book and I’m really glad I bought it. It gives clear definitions of the remedies and which ones to use for a symptom.

Best of all it’s easy to read! 

6. Probiotics

Probiotics are something that often gets overlooked in babies and can play a big role when it comes to constipation. Having good gut health is extremely important in order to maintain a proper balance within the body- especially when it comes to digestion.

Consider switching to a formula like HiPP that has probiotics in it already, or you can purchase probiotic supplements to give to your baby.

We use a powdered probiotic that we mix in with our baby’s formula bottle. If you’re exclusively breastfeeding you could also apply the powder to your nipples right before baby latches. 

Be sure to talk to your pediatrician first before giving anything other than breastmilk to your baby. 

Know When To Get Help

Guys- this is a big one! As much as us natural mama’s want to help our little ones on our own using a more natural approach, it’s important to know when to get your baby’s pediatrician involved. 

There isn’t a strict rule of how often your baby should be pooping. But in general, if your baby hasn’t pooped within 5-8 days- you will likely want to get help from the pediatrician. 

Generally speaking, your baby should be pooping once every day of like up till day 5. So by day 5, they’re pooping 5 times a day! 

However, by week 6 they may not poop every day. They may only go every 2-3 days. 

Our little guy is not 10 weeks old and seems to be pooping once a day consistently now!

Preventing Constipation in Babies

As crunchy parents, we’re always interested in prevention rather than correcting the problem after it’s already here. 

One of the best ways to reduce the chances of constipation is to make sure your baby is getting enough water! 

They have to stay hydrated- just like you!

Whether it’s through breastfeeding, formula, or actually drinking water once they’re old enough for it. 

Other important ways to prevent constipation like I already mentioned are exercise, a good diet, and probiotics.

If you’re proactive about it, you can greatly reduce the likelihood your baby’s plumbing gets clogged up! 

What’s the longest your baby has gone without pooping and what did you do to get them pooping again? Tell us what you did- we’d love to hear it!

The post Constipation in Babies- Signs, Causes and 6 Natural Remedies That Work! appeared first on Raising Them Naturally.

How To Stop Thrush in Babies- And Do It Naturally Tue, 23 Feb 2021 03:12:49 +0000 After our son was born we were both doing great! He was healthy, breastfeeding was going well, all was right in the world. That was until he developed a case of Thrush…. Things then quickly took a turn for the worse…. Within a few days, my breasts hurt so bad while nursing him. I remember […]

The post How To Stop Thrush in Babies- And Do It Naturally appeared first on Raising Them Naturally.

After our son was born we were both doing great! He was healthy, breastfeeding was going well, all was right in the world.

That was until he developed a case of Thrush….

Things then quickly took a turn for the worse….

Within a few days, my breasts hurt so bad while nursing him. I remember just holding him late at night with tears rolling down my face. 

Frustrated and in pain…

My milk supply dropped off without warning. Greg and I were scrambling to find a decent formula to begin supplementing so our little guy had enough to eat. 

Those were stressful days and nights, and something that I’ll be working to avoid in the future.

I’m so glad that I prepared for postpartum before it arrived! It made those days during Thrush so much more bearable. If I didn’t have my 7 Postpartum Essentials for the 4th Trimester– I don’t know what I would’ve done!

Thankfully, my story isn’t all sad. We eventually got rid of Thrush. My breast milk came back and is continuing to increase slowly.

While we still have to supplement with formula, we’re working towards being able to breastfeed exclusively in the near future. 

I tell you all of this not to scare you…

But to make you aware so that you can take preventative measures to reduce the chances of your baby getting Thrush. It’s not pleasant and it can be difficult to deal with. Especially for those who are breastfeeding.

What is Thrush In Babies?

Thrush is an oral yeast infection that is very common in young babies. 

Thrush in babies can be identified by a white substance inside the mouth that doesn’t easily rub off.

Typically on the lips, tongue, or inside the cheek. White sores can also develop if the condition worsens. 

 Luckily, this is not a serious condition- medically speaking…

Though like I mentioned earlier- it’s something that you’ll want to be aware of and try to avoid. 

We all have yeast and candida living in our bodies. However when certain bodily conditions are met -the candida begins to rapidly grow and spread. 

When this happens, it’s called a yeast infection… 

This can happen on the skin, within the urinary tract (aka UTI), or in the mouth- which is known as Thrush.

Thrush is communicable, meaning that it can easily be passed from person to person. 

If you have multiple little ones in the house make sure you address this rather quickly! The last thing you want is this spreading from child to child or from child to adult. 

This brings me to another point. Adults can get Thrush or yeast infections and pass it to their children as well….

This doesn’t always originate from children. In fact, oftentimes it can be mama who gives it to her baby!

Root Causes of Thrush in Babies

As a natural-minded parent, it’s important to understand what the root causes of Thrush are. That way- you can learn how to minimize your risk of getting it. 

When talking about Thrush in babies (and most other yeast infections for that matter)- it typically starts with an imbalance in the gut. 

Bacteria Imbalance Within the Gut

Having the correct type and amount of good bacteria within the gut is imperative to overall immune and bodily health. 

When this imbalance occurs the immune system starts to slip, and that’s when candida begins to grow. 

When too much of the bacteria- in this case, yeast, is present-  Thrush can appear.

Antibiotics & Medications

One of the biggest things that can quickly destroy your gut health, and consequently your immune system are medications and antibiotics. 

Antibiotics are meant to kill bacteria. The only problem is that it doesn’t differentiate good bacteria from the bad. 

It’s like taking a flamethrower and torching all the good and bad bacteria in your gut, leaving nothing left. 

If you or your baby have been given antibiotics, then your gut bacteria is likely not where it needs to be. 

Without ingesting more good bacteria to reset your microbiome- it can be very difficult for your gut health to improve on its own.  

Focus on supporting your gut!

Things for Mama to consider

In addition to gut health, it’s also important that Mama keeps her eye on a couple of things as well….

Keeping Breasts clean and dry

Yeast thrives in a moist, warm and dark environment. Which can be your breasts if left covered, and wet from lactating. 

Letting your boobs breathe, and keeping them dry is imperative! If you allow your nipples to harbor yeast, this will quickly be passed to your baby and pave the way for Thrush to set in.

Passing Yeast Through the Birth Canal

Another common way for a baby to get Thrush is through the birth canal. As the baby comes through the birth canal, the bacteria can be passed from mama to baby.

This is another reason why it’s important for pregnant women to work on improving their gut health- before they are due!

The goal is to reduce the number of yeast bacteria found within the body. This reduces the chances of passing it onto baby.    

Symptoms of Thrush In Babies

Thrush in babies can be a big pain in the butt. Luckily though, it can be pretty easy to spot- once you know what you’re looking for…..

Mild to medium cases of Thrush typically involve a white substance that covers the tongue, inside the cheeks and lips. 

One important thing to remember is that when baby drinks milk, the inside of their mouth will become white. This is from the milk and is not Thrush. 

To check for this, try and wipe the white color off. If it comes off easily- it’s just milk. 

If it doesn’t wipe off easily- then it’s likely Thrush!

For more severe cases of Thrush white-colored sores on the tongue or gums will appear. 

These are painful- especially during feeding!

If your baby has Thrush, is crying and you’re having a hard time soothing- this could be why… 

Symptoms of Thrush In Mama

Just as it’s important to be able to recognize Thrush with baby, it’s also important to recognize when Mama has Thrush or another form of yeast infection. 

Determining if you have Thrush or a yeast infection elsewhere isn’t quite as easy. But once you know the signs, it isn’t too difficult.

Pay close attention to your nipples. Are they cracked? Is there dry or flaky skin? If so, these are signs of a possible yeast infection on your breast. 

This is important to know, because when your baby breastfeeds- you’re passing that yeast onto them which will give them Thrush if they don’t already have it. 

Another telltale sign of a yeast infection in Mama is shooting pain during or after breastfeeding. 

This was by far the worst part for me when I had it…

Breastfeeding became so painful that I would have tears rolling down my face while I fed my little guy.

It made breastfeeding not fun, and quite frankly- I dreaded it for a few weeks until the Thrush finally passed.

Natural Remedies for Treating Thrush in Babies

Greg and I always start with the natural options first. The remedies nature provides are usually just as effective and have few if any of the side effects that medications have at the pharmacy. 

It’s important however to know when to stop and get help from your pediatrician! 

Sometimes the natural remedy doesn’t always work as fast as we need it to and taking medication is the best option- and that’s ok.

We’re fortunate enough to live in an era to still have access to most natural medicines and modern medicine if needed! 

We just choose to leave modern medications as a last resort. Not as our go-to. 

Like I mentioned earlier- the underlying root cause of Thrush typically relates back to poor gut health. 

So it only makes sense that the first treatment to look at is….

Mama’s Diet  

Hippocrates is given credit for saying “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” 

We couldn’t agree more! 

In the case of Thrush, this is very apparent. To really beat back yeast and Thrush, you have to look at diet. 

Mama’s diet should include the following….

  • Oregano: Supports gut health by supporting the lining within the gut. This helps to repair “leaky gut”. Which is something that many people have.
  • Onions: Contains helpful prebiotics which are non-digestive types of fiber. These feed good bacteria which helps them grow.
  • Garlic: Contains allicin which benefits the body the same way onions do.
  • Fermented Vegetables: Contains important nutrients and good bacteria. If you’ve taken an antibiotic in the last 6 months, or on medication currently- you should be eating fermented veggies daily. Things like sauerkraut or kimchi do wonders for your gut health!

Coconut oil (pure, raw, virgin coconut oil)  

Coconut oil has great antimicrobial properties. Place on nipples to prevent the swapping of thrush between mom and baby. 

Should be used with other treatments, like improving the diet and taking a probiotic. 

Adding coconut oil to smoothies is also a great way to get more of this healthy fat into your diet! I also cook with it daily. It has a high smoke point and is far healthier than using olive or vegetable oils.

Grapefruit seed Extract

Made from the pulp of grapefruit seeds, this extract can work well! This is something that I personally used on myself, and I noticed a difference after a few days. 

This can be applied orally if using for Thrush. Or topically is placing on nipples or another area that has yeast overgrowth. 

The extract is very antimicrobial, which is why it does a great job at killing off unwanted bacteria in places like the mouth, or your nipples.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is a known antifungal and can do wonders to kill yeast infections. 

If you’re like me and detest the smell and taste of vinegar, then this may not be for you. But if you aren’t bothered by it- then give it a try!

There are many ways to use this. You can drink it straight, add it to tea, food, or apply it to the skin with coconut oil.  

Probiotic for Mama and Baby

In addition to the things I mentioned above, adding in a quality probiotic for both you and your baby is another great thing to do.

I especially am not a fan of eating fermented foods. I just don’t like the taste. So I take a daily probiotic with my meals. 

While getting your nutrition and probiotics from food is always best. Supplements like a daily probiotic are far better than not getting anything at all. 

Adding a probiotic to your baby’s daily routine is also a great idea. 

It can be mixed in with breastmilk and formula. Or you can place it on your nipples right before breastfeeding. Either way works great!

Some formulas even have probiotics in them as well! This is another great option. 

The important thing here is to just do something to ensure you’re getting enough probiotics!

Foods for Mama To avoid

When dealing with Thrush, and candida in general- there is one important thing to keep in mind. 

Candida LOVES sugar….

Sugar causes candida and yeast to grow like wildfire!

While you’re battling with Thrush you should be avoiding these foods…

  • Drinks containing sugar
  • Sweets
  • Gluten
  • Processed meats
  • Condiments like ketchup and barbeque sauce- contain added sugar
  • Fruits high in sugar- like bananas and grapes
  •  Yogurt- be very careful here. 95% of the yogurt on grocery store shelves has a ton of sugar in them. Negating any “probiotic effect” that they may advertise. If you really want yogurt- check labels carefully and go for a low sugar option! 

The bottom line is to avoid all things sugar! 

Sugar = Bad

Especially when dealing with a Thrush outbreak!

Challenge yourself to start looking at labels for sugar when you go to the grocery store. You will be shocked just how many things contain sugar in them- and the amount that they contain! 

It’s truly eye-opening….

Seriously, if we could all cut way back on our sugar intake- we would better off. 

Preventing Thrush in Babies

How to reduce the chances of your child getting Thrush is something that you may want to consider. 

Now that my son and I have gotten rid of Thrush. We’re taking some precautionary measures to reduce the chance of it ever happening again. 

Once was more than enough!

A few of these I’ve already mentioned in the treating of Thrush section. But I think it bears repeating…

1. Diet (low sugar) Antibacterial foods

Remember, the food we eat is important! It’s what nourishes our bodies. If you eat like crap, your body is going to feel and perform like crap…

Greatly reduce or eliminate as much sugar from your diet as possible. Candida, Yeast, Thrush- they all love and thrive when there is an overabundance of sugar in the body. 

Having a low sugar diet is one of the best ways to reduce your chances of ever having these problems.  

2. Wash hands, pacifiers, Toys, Breast pump

Because Thrush is so easily spread from child to child, you’ll want to make sure that you frequently wash their hands, pacifiers and toys. 

The yeast bacteria can live on these surfaces for many days. Your child could get over the Thrush only to pick it back up again from a toy or pacifier that wasn’t washed.

This next one is a huge pain- but it’s worth it I promise! 

Washing your breast pumps after every use. 

The yeast bacteria thrive on milk and any residue left on a breast pump piece will potentially harbor a ton of yeast in a short period of time.

3. Add a probiotic

As mentioned before, one of the root causes of Thrush and other yeast infections is an imbalance of bacteria in the gut. 

By adding a probiotic to your diet. Whether that’s from a food source or supplement- is a great proactive step. 

Besides, there are so many other benefits of having a healthy gut. From a strong immune system to better digestion and absorption of food!

4. Wash clothes

This one may apply more to mamas- but it’s incredibly important to wash your clothes- especially your shirts and bras.

Leaking milk from your breasts is very common- especially at night. I frequently wake up with wet shirts.

As I mentioned before- yeast thrives on milk residue. It’s not a great idea to wear the same dirty shirt multiple days or nights in a row.

 Especially if you’re already fighting a yeast infection of some sort- you’ll want to make sure that you don’t wear that wet shirt again until after it’s washed. 

Key Points:

  • Thrush in babies is not a serious condition- but it is something that you’ll want to address quickly

  • Yeast infections usually start with poor gut health- so start there when looking to treat and prevent.

  • If you have used antibiotics or medications in the past 6 months, then your gut health is likely in need of help.

  • Coconut oil, Grapeseed Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar and great natural options for treating Thrush

  • Taking a daily probiotic for baby and mama is a great way to introduce good bacteria back into the gut

  • Eliminating or greatly reducing sugar in your diet is a must! Yeast and Thrush live off sugar. If you cut off its food supply, it can’t thrive!

The post How To Stop Thrush in Babies- And Do It Naturally appeared first on Raising Them Naturally.

Why The Breast Is Best! 10 Breastfeeding Benefits for Baby and Mama! Tue, 16 Feb 2021 22:26:19 +0000 Breastfeeding Benefits- It’s the topic of so many conversations for mama’s within the community for good reason too! For many (myself included), breastfeeding can be challenging, and oftentimes I felt like giving up and reaching for the formula bottle….. But I knew what benefits breastfeeding had for me, and more importantly- my baby. Breastfeeding is […]

The post Why The Breast Is Best! 10 Breastfeeding Benefits for Baby and Mama! appeared first on Raising Them Naturally.

Breastfeeding Benefits- It’s the topic of so many conversations for mama’s within the community for good reason too!

For many (myself included), breastfeeding can be challenging, and oftentimes I felt like giving up and reaching for the formula bottle…..

But I knew what benefits breastfeeding had for me, and more importantly- my baby.

Breastfeeding is an amazing gift that we mothers can give to our babies. It’s empowering that our bodies can produce the exact thing that our babies need! 

What’s more incredible is that as our baby’s needs change- so too does our breastmilk! 


When I first learned that I was blown away. 

Our bodies truly are amazing- without a doubt…   

In this post, I’m laying out 10 breastfeeding benefits. If you are on the fence about whether to breastfeed or not- or need some motivation to continue breastfeeding, then this post is for you!  

Benefits of Breastfeeding for Baby 

     1. Better Nutrition

There’s no question that breastfeeding is by far the best way to feed your newborn baby in terms of nutrition. 

Your breastmilk is loaded with important proteins, enzymes, amino acids, hormones, vitamins, and minerals. All designed to support your baby in the best possible way. 

What’s even more amazing like I mentioned earlier is that the nutritional makeup of breastmilk changes to match the needs of your baby. 

For example, our breasts create colostrum up until about 3 days after birth which is the time our milk comes in. 

Colostrum has a different nutritional makeup from breastmilk and it’s designed that way- because your baby’s nutritional needs are different at birth through day 3, then they are after day 3!

Our breastmilk AM breastmilk is different from our PM breastmilk- which contains more melatonin. This helps baby to fall asleep and overtime sets their circadian rhythm

Truly awesome isn’t it!

     2. Lower Infant Mortality

The thought of infant mortality makes me upset just thinking about it. Not every baby can be saved, it’s life- I get it. But it still doesn’t make it any better for me….

But did you know that breastfeeding can reduce infant mortality?

By quite a bit!

This US study reported that babies who are breastfed have a 21% lower risk of death in their first year compared to babies that never breastfed.

While this is important to know- I also want you to know something….

If you are unable to breastfeed your child- please do not freak out!!

To put things into perspective, the infant mortality rate in the US in 2018 was 5.7 deaths per 1,000. 

While high when compared to other developed countries- this is still a very small number. If we take that ratio and convert it to a percentage it comes out to be a .57% chance of infant mortality.

Whenever I look at “the chances of” getting sick, dying, etc…. I always break it down this way. 

Seeing that percentage instead of a ratio just always helps to give me some perspective as to what the real risk is. 

So my message to those mothers who can’t breastfeed is this…..

It’s ok, you’re doing the best you can do- your baby is going to be just great! Please don’t ever feel ashamed, embarrassed, or feel like you’re a bad parent. Because it’s simply not true. 

I haven’t been able to produce enough breast milk so I’ve been having to supplement with formula after our breastfeeding sessions, so my son gets enough to eat.

It’s been a challenge trying to find a good formula that doesn’t contain soy and other crap ingredients in it. But I think I’ve found one that works. 

That will be a whole other blog post- as that in itself is a pretty large topic. 


     3. Stronger Immune System

As natural-minded mama’s- we understand the importance of a healthy immune system. 

Especially when it comes to our little babes!

It’s now widely known that breastfed babies have stronger immune systems than those who are formula-fed. 

Why is this? 

It goes back to the breastmilk and the important combination of nutrients it contains.

More specifically, breastmilk helps support the baby’s microbiome- the bacteria within their gut. 

With a stronger microbiome comes a stronger immune system.

The immune system and how it works is a great topic and one that we’ll cover more in-depth in a later post. 

But for now, just know that by breastfeeding your baby- you are supporting their immune system tremendously which is important for their overall health and quality of life!


     4. Fewer Allergies

According to research, breastfeeding also reduces the likelihood of babies suffering from allergies. 

This study concluded that breastfeeding has a “preventive effect on the early development of allergic disease. If you’re concerned about allergies or have a family history of allergies- this is something that you will definitely want to delve further into!


     5. Improved Brain Maturation

Another huge benefit to breastfeeding- even if you can’t do it exclusively, is that it does wonders for baby’s brain development!

Why is this?

Breast milk is loaded with omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids! Both of these are vital for good brain development. 

The evidence is compelling that breastfeeding or maternal milk feeding benefits child neurodevelopment.

Brain development is obviously important! So it’s great to know that breastfeeding can help this process. 


Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mama


     1. Important physical and emotional bonding between mama and baby

If you’ve watched enough Animal Planet growing up, you know that when an animal is born- it’s critical to its survival that the mother recognizes the baby and accepts them quickly.

When talking about the emotional bonding between a mother and her newborn some similarities can be drawn between us and our furry companions in the animal kingdom!

One of the more obvious ones is that breastfeeding is really important for bonding and emotional attachment between a mama and her baby.

Being able to breastfeed has really helped me bond well with my little guy. It’s brought us much closer- even at those 3am feeding sessions! 

Mama Tip: In addition to breastfeeding, skin-to-skin is an amazing way to bond with your baby. I do this as well and it’s amazing the connection I feel to him during and after doing it. 


     2. Increases confidence and self-esteem- good for new mamas

As a new mama, I didn’t know what to expect- or have firsthand knowledge on how to do anything when it came to taking care of my newborn. 

I only knew what I learned and read online….

This was a great help- don’t get me wrong. But being a mother isn’t something you can just read about and expect to be able to do it well on day one. 

There have been times when I’ve doubted myself and my confidence was lower than it should’ve been. 

But I noticed that the more I breastfed, my confidence started to increase. 

And when my confidence in myself increased I noticed that my self-esteem went up as well!

Now, this didn’t happen smoothly instead, it was up one day, down the next, then up, then down again. 

But over time, it eventually went up and stayed up to where I am now.

For me, being able to provide something to my baby that my body can produce on its own is truly awesome!

It’s a feeling that can’t be fully described until you’ve done it.   


     3.Promotes faster weight-loss

Losing weight after birth is something that is on the front of a lot of mama’s minds. 

We all want to look and feel our best- and losing weight has a lot to do with!

Did you know that by breastfeeding you can potentially lose weight faster? 

I say potentially because other factors go into losing weight besides choosing to breastfeed. 

Like eating healthy and exercising…

This has been studied and it’s said that women who breastfeed burn on average 595 calories per day in the first two months and up to 695 per day as baby continues to grow.

This means that if you eat healthily, and maintain a moderate amount of exercise, you should absolutely see some weight reduction!


     4. Lower risk of breast cancer

Breast cancer is something that we hear about all too often. However, through breastfeeding- women can reduce their chances of getting it. 

Studies show breast cancer risk is reduced by 7% for each baby a woman has and that for every 12 months she breastfeeds (not necessarily consecutively) she decreases the risk by a further 4.3%.

Why is this?

The science behind it isn’t exactly concrete. But some potential reasons are….

-Mothers tend to live a healthier life while breastfeeding. Less drinking, less smoking, healthier eating, etc…

-Breastfeeding tends to shift a woman’s hormonal levels, which keeps the cells inside the breast tissue from becoming cancerous 


     5. Less risk of postpartum depression

While I was pregnant with my son I kept reading about and wondering if I would have postpartum depression. 

Almost to the point where I was nervous about it…

Luckily I’m six weeks in and I haven’t experienced it! But I know that it could come at any time within the first year or so… 

However, many other mamas out there aren’t as lucky. There are TONS of articles and posts about postpartum depression- this is a sign that many struggle with it. 

Some good news is that breastfeeding has been shown to reduce the chances of mamas getting postpartum depression.  Research suggests that women who breastfeed their infants reduced their risk of developing PPD. This is especially true in the first 4 months after birth.

This is potentially related to the “feel good” endorphins that are released within the body while breastfeeding. 


Breastfeeding is a Journey!

Breastfeeding is truly an amazing gift. One that every mother should try if they’re able to. 

It’s not easy!  But the benefits of breastfeeding are known and more are being discovered each year with new research being published. 

This gives us mamas motivation and reason to keep trying if you’re finding it difficult.  

If you’re on the fence about breastfeeding- I hope this article helped shed some more light on the subject for you.

For those of you who can’t breastfeed- don’t get discouraged. There are other things you can do- like skin to skin, and looking for the highest quality formula that you can afford!  

Not being able to breastfeed isn’t the end of the world. My husband and I weren’t exclusively breastfed- and we turned out just fine! Everyone’s journey is different, do what works for you!

The post Why The Breast Is Best! 10 Breastfeeding Benefits for Baby and Mama! appeared first on Raising Them Naturally.
